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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Deli Mustard help, please - Take two

"Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message
> On Sun 09 Aug 2009 10:35:22a, Wayne Boatwright told us...
>> On Sun 09 Aug 2009 10:22:08a, Jean B. told us...
>>> Sqwertz wrote:
>>>> On Sat, 08 Aug 2009 17:25:23 +0900, MtnTraveler wrote:
>>>>> If you CAN duplicate it, and it is repeatable, I'll pay you $250 USD.
>>>>> But it has to be damn close to the taste of Gulden's Spicy Brown
>>>>> mustard, not just something that looks like it.
>>>>> Frankly, I don't think you can do it. I've looked at your past posting
>>>>> history, and I don't see anything too creative there. Perhaps one of
>>>>> the other posters would have a better chance.
>>>> You're a real charmer, ain't ya.
>>>>> But I'm curious... why do you call it 'average?'
>>>> It's a mass produced mustard for the average mass. That would be
>>>> you. You really need to expand your tastes if you think *that* is a
>>>> good mustard worth paying $250.00.
>>>> My current favorite is Laurent Du Clos Dijon Mustard with Roquefort
>>>> Cheese. One of three open mustards in the fridge right now (2
>>>> imports, one domestic).
>>>> You['re dismissed. Me - I'm off the American Cheese Society's
>>>> Conference and Cheese Show to snag a few of the best cheeses in the
>>>> world. We uncreative people sometimes get tired of eating Kraft
>>>> cheese all day.
>>>> -sw
>>> You just aren't into Gulden's Spicy Brown Mustard. It is
>>> mass-produced, but it is also good. So what that you have three
>>> opened mustards in your fridge. I probably have at least three
>>> open in mine, but that doesn't have any bearing on whether
>>> Gulden's is good or not.
>>> To the OP, I'm sorry I don't have a recipe for you. I do
>>> understand your desire to have the mustard, since, as I said, it
>>> is my standby mustard. And someone must agree with us, since it
>>> won awards.

>> Here is one source. I'm sure there are many more.

> Here's a cheaper deal, if you don't mind the plastic bottle. Also through
> Amazon...

The traditional jar is now in plastic too, it's no longer made of glass.