Green bean soup
>> ALex
> 'Kay, here's two approaches to "cultured" green beans. Taken from
> Susan Derescky, The Hungarian Cookbook.
> Green beans in sour cream sauce (Tejfo"lo"s zo"ldbab)
> 2 lb green beans, fresh
> 2 tsp butter (0nly the "best" butter, you know)
> 1/2 tsp noble sweet Hung. paprika
> 1 tbs chopped parsley
> 2 heaping tbs flour
> 1 clove garlic
> 1/4 cup sour cream
> salt, as needed
> white or white wine vinegar, optional
> Parboil the beans until almost tender, in salted
> water. Chill and set aside, but reserve two cups
> of the cooking liquid.
> Melt the butter in a pan over low heat, then stir
> in the parsley and the paprika. If too hot, the
> paprika will scorch and get bitter, so use a gentle
> hand. Now add the flour. Gently whish until smooth,
> maybe 2-3 minutes, at low heat, and then add the
> reserved bean broth, incrementally, whisking until
> smooth with each addition.
> Now! Add you beans and the clove of garlic, as is.
> Simmer gently for about 10 minutes, or until the
> green beans are at the proper level of tenderness,
> then remove the garlic clove (you *did* remember
> to spit it on a toothpick, didn't you?)
> Let cool until lukewarm. Take some of the beans/
> broth and use it to temper the sour cream. Add the
> warmed and diluted sour cream back into the pot
> and gently mix until smooth. CHeck for salt level,
> and add vinegar if you prefer a little extra tartness.
> Warm up to proper serving temp, maybe 3 minutes,
> and go to table. You may wish to leave out the
> vinegar and let the diners add as they wish.
> End
> The dish called fo"zo"le'k, is simply green beans
> parboiled as above, and set aside, etc. etc.
> Make a golden roux, and put in a healthy portion
> of chopped parsley. Bring up the roux with the
> reserved bean broth, then add the beans, cook
> until the proper level of tenderness is obtained,
> check for salt level, and serve.
> HTH,
> Alex, who also refers you to June Meyer's site
> for a similar dish made with onion.
Thanks Alex - I copy/pasted your input here also.