Thread: Calphalon pan
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Chemiker Chemiker is offline
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Default Calphalon pan

On Sat, 08 Aug 2009 09:14:04 -0500, "Pete C." >

>Sky wrote:
>> Nancy2 wrote:

> There is a reason you
>see little SS cookware in a professional kitchen.

True but you *will* see a lot of those blue-handled ALUMINUM
pans, mostly because they are cheap and can be thown away when
some junior cook screws up. Also, in Europe, a lot of skillets that
go into ovens are plain old stamped iron or steel. I love those
palacsinta places where the "oven" looks like an airport baggage
center. Pans dipped in batter, upside down, placed on the "baggage"
carrier, and then flipped off with a turn of the wrist. Stamped steel.

Yes, I use mainly Cuisinart Copper with S/S lining, and it's fine. I
don't use this for omelettes, tho. I go back to stamped iron or
Silverstone. Works for me.

Alex, who does his grilled steaks on Cast Iron. Well seasoned.
BTW: I do frittatas in a 7" CI skillet. Started on the CookTop,
then moved into the CV Oven on broil, to act as a salamander.