"Chemiker" > wrote in message
> On Sat, 8 Aug 2009 21:03:07 -0700 (PDT), aem >
> wrote:
>>On Aug 8, 6:41 pm, "Bob Terwilliger" >
>>> Sheldon wrote:
>>> > Stainless steel, carbon steel, and aluminum is all you'll see in
>>> > professional/comm
> Not so, KimoSabe.
OK, beginning that way is a sure indicator that here comes bullshit.
OK on the wooden work surfaces, because they won't
> pass Health muster, just about everywhere. Give you that one.
> You are telling me that in LA their blackened redfish are not done in
> CI? Also RedBeansRice?
They more than likely cook blackened fish on a large cast iron griddle, the
type that's stoned every day and never permitted to become seasoned, like
those that short order cooks drive, no successful restaurant is going to be
doing blackened fish one portion at a time and stacking up dirty cast iron
pans by the hundreds. And if they're any kind of restaurant worth
mentioning they're cooking the beans for rice n' beans in 40+ quart aluminum
pots... if their beans come out of #10 cans then your talking cafeteria, and
still they're gonna heat them in large aluminum pots or large stainless
steel steam jacketed kettes. Restaurants don't use toys r us sized
cookware... did you ever lift a 40 quart cast iron pot (they do make them,
even much larger), I bet you've never seen one in person, perhaps one day
you will, from the inside! LOL
> And this company:
> http://www.restaurant-services.com/pans.htm
So what... most every restuarant supply emporium sells to the home cooking
public too... in fact that comprises a major portion of their business
Professional cooks can't use non stick and cast iron on the job just for the
simple fact that then they'd better be prepared to wash their own cookware
and no one is going to pay them to take time out to do that.
You watch too much foodtv.