Deli Mustard help, please
brooklyn1 wrote:
> I've been in the business of preparing mustards for some sixty years, as
> good at the trade as any mustard miester out there, actually much better
> than any of the young whippersnappers half my age that are still learning.
That's great! Let's hope you get another 60 years. Perhaps you could
pass on some of the knowledge you learned during those 60 years instead
of just telling us that you learned it?
> The recipe is indeed printed on the jar...
No, only the ingredients are printed on the jar. The recipe is
unfortunately still a secrete.
> don't need any amounts and
> stinkin' secret spices,
You don't, but that's because, as you say, you're old. I'm not too old
to learn something new or experiment with new ideas.
> probably just a smidgeon of white pepper... what's
I on;y wish it were that simple.
> Someone with your attitude I'm not about to instruct,
Blaming my attitude for your lack of knowledge doesn't fool anyone.
> I'm positive that BROWN delivers spicy brown to wherever.
I'm sure they do. Many things (including 'stinking secret spices,') go
to 'wherever.' However, Gulden's doesn't deliver here, so if I want the
same flavor, I have to make it myself.
Your posting history shows that you are very good at finding information
on the Internet and your usual style is cutting and pasting that
information into your posts. You haven't done that this time so it
suggests to me that there probably isn't a recipe for Gulden's Spicy
Brown mustard written down to be found. I think you've helped in spite
of yourself! Thanks, Brooklyn!