Deli Mustard help, please - Take two
Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> I'm very sorry, and I apologize. I obviously missed this fact each time
> you posted it. I wish I knew how to make it, as I would happily share it
> with you.
(smile) No apology needed. Your willingness to help was most obvious,
and I'm sure that if you knew the recipe you would have posted it for
me. For the intent alone, my thanks!
> I probably missed this, too, but what country do you live in?
No, I didn't post it. The government practices of this country is, let
us say, not conducive to to information sharing. I consider myself lucky
enough just to have internet access at times.
> BTW, if English is not your first language, you are certainly very good at
> it.
Thank you. I've worked hard and long at it, but still have a long way to
go before anyone mistakes me for a native English speaker, especially
when talking. Writing it much easier for me.
Thank you again for you your help.