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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Deli Mustard help, please - Take two

"none of your business" > wrote:
On Aug 8, 7:42 pm, MtnTraveler > wrote:
> Wayne, I appreciate your efforts, but I'll say this for the THIRD time;
> Gulden's mustard is NOT permitted into this country. This is why I need
> to learn to make it for myself.

Well maybe if you TOLD the group what third world country you live in
that a simple jar of mustard can't be shipped there, people would have
understood. Many have asked. Why won't you just answer the simple

So where the hell do you live, anyway?

Is it the Mustard that isn't allowed or does Amazon not ship there?

I think you're just going to have to accept that you're SOL. (*Shit
outta luck).

No one knows what the exact spice blend is because they do not list
them individually on the label. It's their secret recipe and it's
patented. Get over it.

Just eat what's available to you. Or get on a plane, come to the US or
Canada and smuggle a case of it back in your suitcase if you really
can't live without it.

How much mustard do you eat that you can't just make do with what you
This entire thread seems like much ado about nothing.
There are people who can't frigging afford to buy FOOD and you're cry-
babying because you can't get the most common mustard available in the
United States. Americans don't think of it as a big deal because it's
EVERYWHERE. Every market, just about every sports arena, gallon jugs
of it all over the place.


Mustard seed is the most common and inexpensive spice on the planet and it's
commonly used in every cousine. If someone is desirous of making their own
mustard then they must have access to mustard seeds, matters not that they
can't get Gulden's shipped to wherever, they obviously permit mustard seeds
and I'm positive other brands of mustard. Anyway the recipe is on the
Gulden's label, it is indeed printed there plain as can be. What's not
printed is how... and that one can easily learn the basics on the net...
once one learns how to prepare *any* mustard then they can easily prepare
Gulden's. Anyone who comes here asking for help but is too clandestine to
say where they are located is someone I won't trust well enough to become
involved with at any level... this poster sure sounds like some kind of
lunatic phoney baloney scammer to me... imagine, this douchebag has the
attitude that he or she is entitiled to pick our brains but refuses to act
like his parents raised him in other than a whore house barn... what a rude
*******. Actually I don't believe any of the bullshit about Gulden's not
permitted, that's just all made up in hopes someone here will teach him how
to make *any* prepared mustard because the poster is too embarrassed to
admit not being capable... soon as I saw that stupid recipe being passed off
(sans URL) as Gulden's I knew immediately that this was a LIAR!