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MtnTraveler MtnTraveler is offline
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Posts: 92
Default Deli Mustard help, please - Take two

brooklyn1 wrote:

> Well maybe if you TOLD the group what third world country you live in

In what way would your knowing the name of this country help me to get
Gulden's mustard? I stated clearly that I could not get it here, either
in stores, ordering over the Internet, nor bringing it into the country
in my suitcase.

> Many have asked. Why won't you just answer the simple
> question?
> So where the hell do you live, anyway?

As I said in another post, the government practices of this country is,
let us say, not conducive to to information sharing. I consider myself
lucky enough just to have internet access at times.

> Is it the Mustard that isn't allowed or does Amazon not ship there?

There are many other companies besides Amazon selling this mustard over
the Internet. I have tried several. I stated in my very first post that
I could not order it over the net. Also as I've said before, in several
posts, Gulden's mustard is not permitted here. Customs agents will not
tell me the reason for this. If a company does ship it, Customs will
seize it. The result is I can not order Gulden's mustard over the
Internet, nor purchase it in stores.

> I think you're just going to have to accept that you're SOL. (*Shit
> outta luck).

Had Edison held to that belief, you'd be watching TV by candle light! )

> No one knows what the exact spice blend is because they do not list
> them individually on the label. It's their secret recipe and it's
> patented. Get over it.

So are the majority of the recipes in the "Copy Cat Secrete Recipe"
books that can be found all over the Internet. If the authors of those
books held to the same way of thinking that you do, we probably wouldn't
have any of those recipes either!

> Just eat what's available to you.

No, thank you.

> Or get on a plane, come to the US or
> Canada and smuggle a case of it back in your suitcase if you really
> can't live without it.

Customs agents won't allow it into the country.

> How much mustard do you eat that you can't just make do with what you
> have?

It's not about how much I eat. It's about wanting to eat it when I want
to. Nothing more. I'm sure there are things that you make yourself
because you want to eat them.

> This entire thread seems like much ado about nothing.

If people with your attitude would refrain from answering a post to
which they can't contribute, this thread would NOT be much ado about
nothing. It would have been 6-10 posts from people trying to help solve
a problem bases upon the given parameters.

> There are people who can't frigging afford to buy FOOD and you're cry-
> babying because you can't get the most common mustard available in the
> United States.

Not crying. Trying to solve the problem. To date, you've been of little
to no help. Others in this newsgroup have.

People who think something is impossible should not try to stop people
who are in the process of doing it. It comes out sounding foolish.

> Americans don't think of it as a big deal because it's

This might come as somewhat of a shock to you, but the Internet actually
reaches to people outside the US. Not everyone lives there. In fact,
it's a minority, albeit a very vocal one. If EVERYWHERE were a fact, I
wouldn't have made my first post.