Most hated small kitchen appliance?
Cindy wrote on Mon, 10 Aug 2009 06:39:58 -0700 (PDT):
> On Aug 9, 8:31 pm, Andy > wrote:
>> Most hated small kitchen appliance?
>> Mine would be the portable toaster/convection oven.
>> I swear, every time I use it I practically have to re-read
>> the user manual. May be my fear of push buttons.
> If I hated a small kitchen appliance, I'd get rid of it.
> I have the toaster oven that we got 20 years ago as a wedding
> present. It's mounted under the upper cabinets so as to take
> up less space.
> It's got a dial marked with temperature (Fahrenheit), a
> pushdown switch
> for the toaster functionality, and another dial to indicate
> toast darkness.
> IIRC, it's a Black and Decker.
> It doesn't see a whale of a lot of use. I make nachos in it
> about once a
> month, and toast an onion roll for hamburgers every week or
> two. Any real cooking is done in the oven, or (this time of
> year) using the gas grill
> as an oven. I'd probably replace it if it died, provided I
> could get something
> comparable.
My most hated appliance is the diet scale that I must use :-(
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
Email, with obvious alterations: