"zxcvbob" > wrote in message
> The Cook wrote:
>> On Sun, 9 Aug 2009 20:39:42 -0700 (PDT), wrote:
>>> Hi, is there some secret to selecting peaches from the grocery that
>>> are not dry? I have several now that I can crush in my hand on not
>>> get one drop of juice. The pulp is mealy --almost the consistency of
>>> mashed potatoes. Do the growers have a name for this? Is it a
>>> disease or some neglect in harvesting or storing? --tom
>> See if you can find a farmers market or roadside stand. They usually
>> have locally grown fruits and vegetables and will usually give you a
>> sample.
> And if they *don't* give you a sample, something is wrong and you don't
> want their peaches. I made that mistake once. Ended up with a bag of
> mealy (California, I think) peaches that I paid a premium for at a peach
> orchard road stand near Amarillo. I just /assumed/ they were
> locally-grown since I was buying them right there at the orchard. The
> only good thing about it was I just bought a few of them and not a whole
> tray or half-bushel basket, so it was a cheap lesson.
> Bob
That's a good point, any store that refuses or frowns on sampling
(regardless the product) has something to hide.