Most hated small kitchen appliance?
On 2009-08-10, Kate Connally > wrote:
> jt august wrote:
>> My most hated is one I don't have, the countertop pizza cooker. Spin
>> the pizza around and only heat it in one vector. No insulation to
>> retain heat, and most of the orbit, no heat exposure. What a screwed up
>> idea.
> Why in the world would anyone want a separate appliance
> just to cook pizza. That's what the oven is for! Good grief!
> I never heard of this thing before, guess I missed all the
> infomercials about it.
I have a friend who has one of those. Surprisingly, it actually works.
Still, it makes no sense. Since you're heating only a small section at a
time, it takes longer and the motor also draws power. Strictly a gimmick
for the gotta-have-one crowd.