"MtnTraveler" wrote
> You display a remarkable lack of world knowledge. Do you live in the US?
Many USA folks are mono-cultural but they highly dislike being referred to
as such or having it pointed out.
You might do better just letting that subject be. Grin, *I* can say as I'm
a native. Don't BTW assume all here are like that. They arent. Quite a few
in fact are folks who've lived and loved living in other places for many
> but have you any idea where :
Surinam -yes
Aland? - no woyld have to google it
Kiribati or Lesotho? - yes
Brunei? - been there. Interesting place!
> did you go to school?
USA school emphasize different topics with a much higher amount of math and
hard sciences. Geography for example is seldom taught past 7th grade and if
so, is mixed with developmental archetechure of cities leading to
arichetecture classes on building codes etc. You know, why you want a 5 ft
Leevee here in this spot and a 15 ft in the other. Took that one in 9th
grade. Cool stuff! But my knowldge of geography is more based on being a
sailor and being near or to those places. 'Geography' class had more to do
with land topography and geology in the harder sense by 9th grade.
Just a different school system with a different emphasis.