OT, but it's not stopping anyone else
"Terry Pulliam Burd" > wrote in message
> What are they stealing? Something you're throwing away? Does your
> garbage company reimburse you in some way for your recyclables? Not
> trying to be combative here, I'm just curious as to how one can steal
> something that has been discarded/abandoned.
I've read of cases where town have taken people to court about the trash and
won. It becomes town property and can have a value. Personally, as long as
they don't make a mess, I don't care who takes anything from my trash.
> OB: What is the deal with "personal watermelons"? They're just really
> small, seedless, tasteless fake watermelons, AFAICS. My Uncle Mac, God
> rest him, had a small truck farm of watermelons when I was growing up
> and he'd laugh himself silly over these things.
As well he should. I've never had a seedless melon with the flavor of the
good old long ones. Hard to find these days.