Pete C. wrote:
> I'd recommend doing a side by side comparison of two burgers, one made
> with store ground meat and one fresh ground at home and both otherwise
> prepared identically. It's not just a question of "mystery meat"
> scraps, a very big factor is oxidation as I've mentioned before. Once
> the meat is ground there is vastly more surface area exposed to
> oxidation, so grinding fresh and cooking immediately makes a *huge*
> difference. I don't fuss around with buying a specific cut of meat to
> grind, I just find one that looks good and is a decent price. While
> there will be a difference between round/chuck/etc., those are more
> subtle differences while the difference between store ground and
> fresh ground is dramatic.
Yes I do agree about freshly ground meat. Not only oxidization but also
bacterial contamination is a problem in minced meat that has been hanging
Thanks for the advice about the meat. I had wondered if tougher cuts would
make tough hamburger because it it cooked quickly.