OT, but it's not stopping anyone else
On Tue, 11 Aug 2009 08:42:05 -0400, Goomba wrote:
> Michael "Dog3" wrote:
>> We had a man living under the deck when I first
>> moved to St. Louis. The garage was heated and the vents came out under
>> the deck area. The condo was on the ground level. I used to put plates
>> of food under the deck now and then during the winter months. The
>> neighbors were outraged about it but you know me. I politely told them
>> to *F* off. Somehow the guy made the news. His sisters had apparently
>> been looking for him for several years and were delighted to find him.
>> I guess they took him home because I never saw him again. Hopefully it
>> was 1 happy ending.
>> Michael
> You fed him plates of food under the deck like you'd do to a dog?
> Why didn't you invite him *in* for a meal?
begrudging him items from your trash is not the same as 'not inviting him
your pal,