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Default OT, but it's not stopping anyone else

Nancy Young wrote:

> Default User wrote:
> > I was a bit surprised that the deal was significantly better. The
> > main reason given for going to a single provider was to reduce
> > traffic on the streets from trucks, and to get everybody complying
> > with the county's new recycling mandate.

> I wondered about that ... if everyone has a different hauler, don't
> you get garbage trucks up and down the street all the time?

There were about four haulers that used to work my area. There were
more at various times, but several were bought by Waste Management or
MidWest Waste over the years. The trucks never really bothered me, but
some people complained.

> And
> people putting out their garbage on different days?

There was some variation on the days. I was with a couple different
haulers over ten years. Trash was either Monday or Tuesday for me. Yard
waste generally would flip with it, although my last hauler made them
the same day to cut down on traffic. Haulers also offered a second
trash day on Thursday, but I didn't need it. Recycling was a different
day, but I didn't sign up for it back then.

Now, recycling and yard waste is on Monday and trash on Tuesday on my
street. I notice that other areas of the city have a different
schedule, as I will see the blue recycle bins out on other days.

> On the face of
> it, it doesn't sound like a plan to me.

I was ok with the old way, but I'm ok with the new one as well. I feel
somewhat more virtuous with the recycling.


Day 190 of the "no grouchy usenet posts" project