OT, but it's not stopping anyone else
Michael "Dog3" wrote:
> "Gregory Morrow" >
> m: in
> rec.food.cooking
>> Last summer some psycho homeless **** took a part of a 2x4 out of a
>> dumpster down the street and heaved it through a neighbor's picture
>> window. Very nice...another 911 call at *someone's* expense...and
>> this particular homeless **** is *still* roaming the streets, I
>> see...
> That was always a concern when we lived in the CWE. But then that's
> what fences were for in that area. Wether it's the homeless or the
> swarms of hoodlums it goes with the territory IMO.
Yup..."city life" and all that...
>> If blake and serene and cyberkitty are so "concerned" about the
>> homeless, they might invite some into their homes to live with them,
>> lol...
> But what would that do to help the homeless in general? Nothing.
Well, in blake's case he could roll his skinny ass to a social service
agency and do some volunteer work for the homeless if he's so concerned and
all...I know for a fact that there is *plenty* of need in DC.
>> I'm pretty sick of the homeless continually badgering myself and
>> others and making pest of themselves, they are one facet of urban
>> life that I *heartily* detest. They are a cancer on the landscape
>> of city life...
> The panhandlers used to really **** me off. Some of them could be
> very aggressive. Did you know it's legal to panhandle in the city of
> St. Louis? A cop I know said it's not illegal for people to
> panhandle but he told me a couple of exceptions which I don't
> remember.
Some that work the suckers in heavily - touristed places here (Michigan Ave,
Navy Pier, etc.) make pretty good money I'd guess...then there are the "I've
lost my wallet and I need $3.25 to get home on the commuter train
tonight..." scammers.