OT- I just bough an M3
phaeton wrote:
> A 1956 Hammond M3 that is.
> I love it! That is all.
> -J
Congrats on that. Decades ago, I used to work with a black lady that
told me she had just bought a B3. She called it her baby. That's some
big baby! She was a lounge singer that, due to circumstances, was forced
to work in the binding area of our in-house printshop. The signs were
immediately apparent that she would not last long at the job.
Lounge singers. God bless 'em. They're so conspicuous when you catch
them out and about in the daylight. They'll try to fit in with normal
sunlit society but that's a tough gig for them it seems. The night life
ain't no good life but it's their life. Now dat's the truth. :-)