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Arri London Arri London is offline
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Default , I will provide the groceries... selecting peaches that are notdry

Christine Dabney wrote:
> On Tue, 11 Aug 2009 17:04:57 -0600, Arri London >
> wrote:
> >
> >
> >Christine Dabney wrote:

> >> Come over and cook for me, especially that first week!! That will be
> >> the roughest...

> >
> >It will be our pleasure!

> Yay!!!

LOL You've known this all along...

> >> I won't be able to drive anywhere that first week or will be
> >> housebound, unless someone comes and picks me up. So if you and
> >> your maternal unit want to come over and eat with me ( along with
> >> doing some of the cooking), you would be most welcome!!

> >
> >Sounds good to me.

> Weather should still be good then..and I have my grill handy too....
> Plus all the kitchen utensils you could ever want....

That is true of course

> >> And I will be on crutches, I think...and I think I will not be able to
> >> do much cooking... If you come over to cook and eat, I will provide
> >> the groceries...

> >
> >Give us a time frame.

> Surgery is September 3. I know that I am not allowed to drive for at
> least as week, even though the surgery is on my non driving foot. It
> could be longer...but I don't think so. I am pretty sure I am on
> crutches or a walker for a bit..with one of those boot thingies on my
> foot.

It varies with the patient of course.

>I don't know all the details yet, but will know more after my
> pre-op appointment on August 27. The anticipated healing time is 3-4
> weeks, maybe longer due to the type of work I do. I have to be able
> to return to work fully functional.

Sounds about right. Have had various colleagues of various ages with
various times of healing. One colleague did return to work with the blue
boot. Other than sitting a bit more than usual she was fine. And pleased
to invest in a closet full of new shoes.
> Everyone keeps on telling me the pain after surgery is pretty bad..and
> judging from previous hip surgeries, I am doubtful I will want to do
> much cooking that first week after surgery. And I am pretty sure I am
> not supposed to do much standing. That pretty much puts a crimp in
> doing much food preparation, although I do have a place to sit.
> is not easy.

No it wouldn't be easy at all.

Have a lot of microwaveable things on hand in the freezer.

> >>
> >> I am stocking up on a few things..and will go to the farmers market
> >> the days before I have plenty of fresh tomatoes and fruit.

> Since you are interested in doing this..if there is something special
> you might want to fix, just let me know, and I will get the
> ingredients. Or you can raid my pantry...or both. This would be your
> chance to show off your specialties..

Specialties? Christine you must know by now I make it all up as I go
> Lin brought me a bottle of verjus, which I haven't had an occasion to
> use if you have any ideas for using that, that might be good.

Now that's something I've never used, so no ideas.

> If you guys head to the farmers markets, during the time I am
> incapacitated, I might put in an order or two...say for tomatoes and
> corn, and peaches. I got some wonderful corn again today...and some
> more peaches, while heading home from work....
> Christine

We don't normally hit the farmers markets but could be coerced....