OT, but it's not stopping anyone else
Becca wrote:
> Nancy Young wrote:
>> I wondered about that ... if everyone has a different hauler, don't
>> you get garbage trucks up and down the street all the time? And
>> people putting out their garbage on different days? On the face of
>> it, it doesn't sound like a plan to me.
> Not sure I would like several garbage trucks driving up and down the
> streets day after day. :-( Our city and the recycle center picks up
> our waste once a week.
I guess it's my delicate sensibilities. Heh. Besides, talk about wasteful,
all those trucks covering the same route over an over.
> The city provides a green wheelie receptacle for regular waste and a
> blue wheelie receptacle for recyclables. Most of our waste goes in the
> recycle bin or the compost heap. On garbage day, we may only have one
> little 15-gallon bag in the traditional garbage.
Wow, now that's something to be proud of. I'm impressed.