In article >,
Tracy > wrote:
> Becca wrote:
> > Nancy Young wrote:
> >> I wondered about that ... if everyone has a different hauler, don't
> >> you get garbage trucks up and down the street all the time? And
> >> people putting out their garbage on different days? On the face of
> >> it, it doesn't sound like a plan to me. nancy
> >
> > Not sure I would like several garbage trucks driving up and down the
> > streets day after day. :-( Our city and the recycle center picks up
> > our waste once a week.
> >
> >
> > The city provides a green wheelie receptacle for regular waste and a
> > blue wheelie receptacle for recyclables. Most of our waste goes in the
> > recycle bin or the compost heap. On garbage day, we may only have one
> > little 15-gallon bag in the traditional garbage.
> >
> > Becca
> My town (technically a city) also picks up trash and recyclables once a
> week. I think the recycling bins should be larger than the trash cans....
> Tracy
Our city recently switched our recycling containers to full sized bins,
same size as the trash containers. They pick up once every two weeks and
drastically expanded what they take. Plastics 1 to 7 and all paper and
cardboard except for (wet) food wrappers and pet food bags.
All cans and glass are good.
I'm recycling well over 1/2 of my garbage. :-)
Peace! Om
"Human nature seems to be to control other people until they put their foot down."
--Steve Rothstein