Thread: Hamburger
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ViLco ViLco is offline
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Default Hamburger

Ophelia wrote:

> My friend had a super dooper whatever skyscraper. I had never been
> before and I perused the menu. Filet of fish was on the list, and
> liking fish, that is what I chose. My first bite was the last!!! I
> expected fish! What I didn't expect was the plastic cheese and the
> GUNK!!! The first bite was the last and I nearly threw up Needless to
> say, I have never been back!

Cheese in a Filet o' Fish?!? [can't remember where "Mc" should go]
I understand your reaction
They gotta be crazy. I tried that sandwich in an italian McD's and it
contained just the breaded fish, some lattuce and maio.
Mai guardare Trailer park Boys senza
qualcosa da bere a portata di mano