OT, but it's not stopping anyone else
In article >,
blake murphy > wrote:
>On Mon, 10 Aug 2009 10:25:57 -0700, sf wrote:
>> On Mon, 10 Aug 2009 12:44:40 -0400, "cybercat" >
>> wrote:
>>>"sf" > wrote in message
>>>> On Mon, 10 Aug 2009 00:15:56 -0400, "cybercat" >
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>"sf" > wrote in message
>>>>>> On Sun, 09 Aug 2009 17:24:44 -0700, Terry Pulliam Burd
>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>In an earlier post in the thread about homeless people rummaging
>>>>>>>in recycling bins set out for collection, there was an interesting
>>>>>>>article in the "New York Times" this morning entitled, "Is It Now A
>>>>>>>Crime To Be Poor?"
>>>>>> It is if they are stealing. I have a contract with the garbage
>>>>>> company not with them.
>>>>>I really don't understand this. What harm are they doing you?
>>>> I already said it up thread. Our garbage bill is reduced however
>>>> slightly the following month if the garbage company gets enough
>>>> recycling that actually makes them money... which is the same
>>>> recycling they steal.
>>>I see. I missed that up thread. You must really need the money if you
>>>begrudge needy people your trash. Ugh.
>> First of all, these people are not homeless. Many have trucks, some
>> are grannies with a pole and two bags.
>god forbid that some grannies with a pole and two bags should make a couple
>bucks without 'working' for it.
Apparently in sf's world, having a truck and/or being a granny with a pole
and two bags means that all needs - housing, food, medicine - are provided
for to the extent that trying to make a couple of bucks in a tedious and
dirty way is completely unnecessary.
It sounds like a nice world to be in. I would certainly like to be able
to direct some of the people I know in that direction. I wonder what
color the sky is on that planet.
In my town, the recycling collection is officially subcontracted out, but
it's mostly actually done by small time entrepreneurs. In my
neighborhood, it is a granny with a cart. She is a nice lady; if I
see her, I give her my cans.
My main beef with the city's program is that I pay a lot more property tax
(in percentage) than neighboring towns and I still have to sort out my own
recycling. Between what I pay and the labor pool options available, I
should be able to just stick it out unsorted.
ObFood: Homemade french fries from fresh organic potatoes using Jeffrey
Steingarten's method are awesome. (Was served these by BFF#2's husband
for dinner ... they have a mandoline and a proper deepfat fryer.)