blake murphy wrote:
> On Tue, 11 Aug 2009 22:50:25 -0400, Dave Smith wrote:
>>Goomba wrote:
>>>There is a lot of blame placed on Reagan here that is hardly his fault.
>>>During the time he's accused of de-institutionalizing psych patients,
>>>ALL states were cutting their funding (NOT just California) and this all
>>>began before Reagan became president.
>>We had the same thing up here. There was a time when people who were
>>unable to take care of themselves or who were a danger to themselves
>>were committed to institutions. Some thought that was bad thing so they
>>let a lot of them out. Now they are roaming the streets and have no
>>place to stay. Then there are the pan handlers who tend to be young
>>people who left their homes in smaller towns and cities and headed to
>>larger cities where pickings were better for panhandling and they fell
>>into a bad life.
>>It wasn't that long ago that there were vagrancy laws. We didn't have
>>street people back then because they would toss them in jail.
> are there no prisons? are there no workhouses?
> your pal,
> eben
It all goes to "mankind's transcendental spiritual pride" a fear based
arrogance that causes most people to be rude insensitive jerks.
Or worse, when its an individual one can turn ones back on it, but when
its a wide spread sociological phenomena it gets harder to ignore.
But such is the ignorant arrogance of the human animal it does so very well.
The modern world is more and more resembling Paris in the 1790's to me.
We tread, blithely ignorant, over a flower strewn carpet that covers an
abyss of degradation, poverty & suffering of a post apocalyptic
nightmare sort.
The French revolution and reign of terror will be nothing compared to
the coming avalanche of Malthusian chaos and the inevitable Orwellian
police state.
Have a nice day

Mr. Joseph Littleshoes Esq.
Domine, dirige nos.
Let the games begin!