On Wed, 12 Aug 2009 16:00:28 +0100, "Ophelia" >
>My meat is ground, seasoned and in the fridge ready to cook when his nibs
>gets home from work
I have prepared chips (um.. potatoes sliced and cut
>into sticks) ready to fry...I have sweetcorn waiting in the microwave, I
>have wholemeat rolls and I have salad stuff. I bought some chutney. I
>shall fry mushrooms to serve on the side and sweet onions to slice up with
>the salad! Oh yes I have mayonnaise. ready. What have I missed?
Chutney is a nice topping, if you make sweet chili sauce - try that
sometime. Speaking of not your usual type burger, I had one today
made of kofte meat and it was delicious.
I love cooking with wine.
Sometimes I even put it in the food.