Changed my mind - Somebody helps me buy the right brand ofTortilla and Indian Roti maker
On Aug 12, 1:11*pm, Manda Ruby > wrote:
> I need to eat wheat bread (in the from of *roti an mostly and also
> tortiall for lunch and dinner; I use Ororweat or Sarah Lee's bread or
> pita bread for breakast).
> I have learned how to make roti - I need to imporve my skills
> slightly; I haven't tried making tortiall yet.
> To save time of rolling, I am considering buying electric roti maker.
> The review on sacchi is not good.
> Readinf some forum on the net, it sounds like there are some brands
> making roti (probably Indian brand) and then there are the ones for
> Toritall which people use it to make rotis. *I just wan tot buy
> somehting that dosn't stop working after a year. *Any info?
Yesterday, I saw a bunch of Roti/Tortill make demos on youtube. Also
n, in a forum, someone was saying that Vijaya brand was good but that
won't be available in US. Today, I saw in a forum how all these
differnt brand only cooks outside.
So, now I am considering buying Cast Iron Toritilla Press - (I saw
bad review on non cast Iron ones) - though I want to avoid cast iron
as they are heavy? What is your opinion on this?
I saw Imusa Cast Iiron Toritilla Press at online target. I am
thinkign to buy one (from the store) and see I like it. I am tired of
buying Tortilla. Since I eat other bread - Oroweat, pita bread,
tortilla (tia Rosa) just sits in the fridge too long. They don't go
bad easily 9t0 naked eyes anyway) but who knows for sure? Oe time,
within a week, I saw mold. That was scary.
Anyone uses Toritlla press? I will be using only wheat, not corn