sf wrote:
> On Wed, 12 Aug 2009 16:55:51 +0000 (UTC),
> (Charlotte L. Blackmer) wrote:
>> Apparently in sf's world, having a truck and/or being a granny with a pole
>> and two bags means that all needs - housing, food, medicine - are provided
>> for to the extent that trying to make a couple of bucks in a tedious and
>> dirty way is completely unnecessary.
>> It sounds like a nice world to be in. I would certainly like to be able
>> to direct some of the people I know in that direction. I wonder what
>> color the sky is on that planet.
> I'll send them over to scavenge from you so you can feel high and
> mighty about supporting the little people.
Charlotte won't tell you this, but she spends significant hours each and
every week, and a significant chunk of her own money, feeding people who
are beyond desperate. She puts her money where her mouth is. I'm proud
to be her neighbor, and awed by the amount of work she does for no
benefit to herself. If she felt high and mighty, and she doesn't, she
would *deserve* to feel that way, because she's a true gem of a person.
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all other human conflict will not survive an online argument with
humourless feminists who are not afraid to throw rape around as an
example, your theory needs work." -- Aqua, alt.polyamory