In article >,
Kathleen > wrote:
> Omelet wrote:
> > In article >,
> > sf > wrote:
> >
> >
> >>On Wed, 12 Aug 2009 15:56:54 +0100, "Ophelia" >
> >>wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>>"sf" > wrote in message
> ...
> >>>
> >>>>Then why are you talking about them? There's no point in bring them
> >>>>up and then saying you don't like them if you've never had burgers
> >>>>anywhere other than the worst burger joints on planet earth!
> >>>
> >>>Doesn't matter much. I am now geared up to making my own...
> >>>
> >>>I tend to use a thermometer to check the temp of meat I am cooking. What
> >>>temp ought hamburger be when cooked?
> >>>
> >>
> >>Are you kidding? I never use a thermometer. Cooking hamburger isn't
> >>brain surgery. Cook them how you like. I like mine on the rare side;
> >>but you may not if all you've ever had is a Wimpy burger. I use high
> >>heat so they brown on the outside, but they don't cook through.
> >
> >
> > Ditto here.
> > Especially if using a wood or charcoal grill.
> Thirded.
> I use ground round shaped into close to 1/2 lb patties, seasoned with a
> liberal sprinkle of sea salt and fresh-ground pepper. These are cooked
> over a hot flame until crispy on the edges but still rare-ish in the middle.
Indeed. Same if I use my electric grill. I also coat the outside of the
burger lightly with a mix of Bragg's and Oyster sauce. Helps it to char
better. Then I sprinkle lightly with salt free lemon pepper. I prefer
to add salt to taste after it's cooked.
> A couple of weeks ago we attended a family reunion where we were asked
> to bring some sort of meat, and a dish to share. I brought big-assed
> burgers, good rolls, split and brushed with garlic butter, and a new
> york-style cheese cake.
> When it was announced that a cousin of my husband would be grilling the
> meat, my 14 year-old son looked worried and asked if I might be able to
> cook our burgers, and to please make sure we got our own back. I told
> him no way. Dad's cousin was possessive about the grill.
> And sure enough, the burgers were cooked to the texture of shredded
> toilet paper patties. When the kids muttered complaints I told them the
> reunion wasn't really about the food and to just suck it up and go eat
> some clam dip or something.
> So I owe them some decent burgers this weekend.
Oops. ;-)
Waste of good meat...
Peace! Om
"Human nature seems to be to control other people until they put their foot down."
--Steve Rothstein