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Chemo the Clown Chemo the Clown is offline
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Default Gourmet finger food ideas needed.

On Aug 13, 4:05*am, PeterL > wrote:
> We have a function coming up at the end of next month and there will be
> approx 80 guests. Federal, State, and Local politicians, Mayor and
> councillors, and assorted 'big knobs' from head office.... as well as a whole
> tribe of us 'riff-raff'.
> There is to be a formal ceremony with everyone in attendance, and then I
> wanted to have a light lunch for all the 'knobs' so they can have a feed and
> leave. Then the rest of us will bring out the steaks and the beer and have a
> *real* lunch!!
> So........ any ideas as to finger food that is substantial enough for a
> lunch, but not requiring the use of any cutlery, and not being too wet and
> messy.
> The first thing I thought of was chicken drumettes. You get the drumstick and
> pull all the meat down to the big end, cook it up and serve. You use the
> naked bone as a holding tool....... like this.....
> I'd like about 6-8 different dishes (hot or cold), as well as the ubiquitous
> sandwiches, and cakes.
> --
> Peter Lucas * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
> Brisbane * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
> Australia * * *
> If we are not meant to eat animals,
> why are they made of meat?

Ham wheels are always a hit...I don't care what anyone says. Get some
good sliced ham, smear on a layer of good cream cheese, lay on a green
onion, roll up and then cut into 1" pieces. Put in the fridge for at
least an hour and then serve. I can eat the whole plate!