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Nancy2 Nancy2 is offline
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Default Gourmet finger food ideas needed.

On Aug 13, 6:05 am, PeterL > wrote:
> We have a function coming up at the end of next month and there will be
> approx 80 guests. Federal, State, and Local politicians, Mayor and
> councillors, and assorted 'big knobs' from head office.... as well as a whole
> tribe of us 'riff-raff'.
> There is to be a formal ceremony with everyone in attendance, and then I
> wanted to have a light lunch for all the 'knobs' so they can have a feed and
> leave. Then the rest of us will bring out the steaks and the beer and have a
> *real* lunch!!
> So........ any ideas as to finger food that is substantial enough for a
> lunch, but not requiring the use of any cutlery, and not being too wet and
> messy.
> The first thing I thought of was chicken drumettes. You get the drumstick and
> pull all the meat down to the big end, cook it up and serve. You use the
> naked bone as a holding tool....... like this.....
> I'd like about 6-8 different dishes (hot or cold), as well as the ubiquitous
> sandwiches, and cakes.
> --
> Peter Lucas
> Brisbane
> Australia
> If we are not meant to eat animals,
> why are they made of meat?

One of my favorites for finger foods is quiche, cut into bite-size
squares (stick a toothpick in it, or use fingers) - it can be served
at room temperature without suffering.

Another is Cevapcici (Czech)

Cevapcici (che-VAP-che-chi)

1 lb. lean ground beef
½ lb. ground lamb
½ lb. ground pork
4 -7 finely minced garlic cloves
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. baking soda
2 tsp. cracked or freshly ground black pepper
1 (+) tsp. cayenne pepper
seasoned pepper and garlic pepper to taste
1 beaten egg white

Mix all ingredients together. You may wish to combine the seasonings
or grind them together before adding them to the meat.

Shape in thumb-sized sausages, or in croquette size shapes.

Grill on open grill until done.

Serve with pita bread or hard rolls, and onions (raw or sauteed).
The smaller size works great for an appetizer (on a toothpick).

Traditionally, these are not served in barbeque sauce.
