crash baked potatoes
On Thu, 13 Aug 2009 19:15:45 GMT, notbob > wrote:
>On 2009-08-13, sf > wrote:
>> On purpose - please reread what I wrote. I asked for comments from
>> people who have MADE it. If you want to see the recipe, google "crash
>> hot potatoes" and click on Pioneer Woman's link.
>OK, read it. Looks pretty good. What's the diff between CHP and
I called them "baked" because when I opened the topic, I didn't
remember the word was "hot" and they *were* baked in the last step.
Those who answered knew exactly what I was talking about. In fact my
google search using "baked" instead of "hot" brought up the correct
url anyway.
>Since the potatoes were boiled to the point where they were
>mashable, seems like baking another 20-25 mins is kinda pointless. Easier
>to jes put under a broiler/salamander.
That part worked out just fine, I have no complaints.
>Also, what's with the olive oil?
>Some kinda Oz thing? Pass the real butter, please.
As far as olive oil goes, it's all about what you prefer I guess.
We've made the switch from butter to olive oil in many instances
because hubby watches his saturated fats like a hawk these days.
I love cooking with wine.
Sometimes I even put it in the food.