On 12-Aug-2009, "Nunya Bidnits" >
> Brick said:
> > On 11-Aug-2009, "DougW" > wrote:
> >
> >> Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> >>> "rudane" > spammed
> >>>> A grade gourmet vanilla beans.
> >>>> 16,18 and 20 cm available.Plump,dark moist and lovely aroma
> >>>
> >>> Are you spamming every newsgroup? You are not gaining customers,
> >>> you are ****ing people off as this is a non-commercial newsgroup.
> >>>
> >>> I buy from Penzeys most of the time. www.penzeys.com
> >>
> >> The spammer is probably selling garbage spiked with
> >> some sort of nasty chemical waste from China.
> >>
> >> I use www.bulkfoods.com
> >> The dehydrated blueberries are friggin adictive!
> >> Not too happy with the macadamias though, those are best
> >> from www.smithfarms.com
> >>
> >> Never tried the vanilla from them, but I'm going to make
> >> a buy later this month for wheat bran and some other bulk
> >> cooking stuff.
> >>
> >> Thanks for the link. Looks like penzeys has a LOT of
> >> spices etc.
> >>
> >> --
> >> DougW
> >
> > Penderey's is almost a mirror of Penzey's and about a third
> > cheaper. Pepper products from 'sweetfreedomfarm.com'.
> > I've bought a lot of stuff from Pendereys and from sweetfreedom
> > farm. Good people.
> Which one is it that people swear by their chile powder?
> MartyB
Marty, If you're talking about chile powder mixes/blends, then
either Penzeys or Penderys are good. But, if you're talking
about specific ground chiles, then Sweetfreedomfarm is the
way to go. I personally don't buy chile blends. I buy only
specific chiles and mix and match my own.
Brick said that.