crash baked potatoes
Christine wrote on Thu, 13 Aug 2009 14:42:21 -0600:
>> First of all - I used new potatoes (the red ones) that had
>> been cooked for 20 minutes, so they were done perfectly.
>> That wasn't an issue.
>> I oiled the pan as per recipe. He put the masher on the
>> whole potato and it looked like he had it on squarely, but as
>> soon as he applied pressure the darn thing scooted across the
>> baking sheet. We retrieved it and tried again. This time it
>> virtually exploded. There was potato everywhere! That was
>> my cue to score the rest of them first. Potato stuck to the
>> masher every time and I needed to physically reform each
>> potato.
> Okay, I don't think you cooked your potatoes enough. I
> thought they should be completely done... 20 minutes doesn't
> sound long enough.
I always considered 18 minutes boiling to be adequate for all purposes
for small potatoes, Yukon Gold, small Red Potatoes etc. I've made
smashed potatoes for myself by nuking about 4 small potatoes for 4
minutes and then finishing off in the oven as instructed. I generally
use a silicone baking sheet.
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
Email, with obvious alterations: