OT, but it's not stopping anyone else
Terry Pulliam Burd wrote:
> I just read an article about some dumb*ss woman in Ouray CO who had
> made a habit of feeding bears, skunks, elk, etc. and was finally
> killed by a 400 lb. bear. She referred to them as "my pets, my
> babies." Jaysus! Neighbors were occasionally able to count up to 14
> bears on her property at one time. Having lived at altitude and
> rurally in CO, I did everything I could *not* to attract critters -
> well, except for the tassle eared squirrels. They're a laff riot.
I agree about the woman's stupidity (Local news said the bear was
devouring her when someone first noticed.) Squirrels of any kind are
vermin in my book 'cause they trash my bird feeders when they get the
gloria p
happy NOT to be living in the mts.