Thread: BLT question
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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default BLT question

"Gregory Morrow" > wrote in message
> blake murphy wrote:
>> On Wed, 12 Aug 2009 09:44:33 -0500, Melba's Jammin' wrote:
>>> In article >,
>>> bob in nz > wrote:
>>>> On Tue, 11 Aug 2009 19:15:51 -0700 (PDT), Brian Huntley
>>>>> Mayo or MW, but the bigger question is toasted or not?
>>>> Didn't think of that one. I always toast the bread and slather on
>>>> Best Foods/Hellman's mayo top and bottom. I also add avocado if I
>>>> have a ripe one handy. And a couple of times I've also added a thin
>>>> slice of good swiss cheese to the BLAT. But that's pure piggery ...
>>>> oink. --
>>> Not only pur piggery, but it makes it a BLT&SC sandwich. Now I'm
>>> going to have to slap YOU, Bob. SC has no business on a BLT. It's
>>> wrong. WRONG. Avocado, OTOH, is acceptable.

>> cheese with tuna salad is the one that throws me.

> Now yer comin' around to Sheldon's way of thinking, e.g. cheese with fish
> is
> TIAD,...there is still hope for you, blake...!!!
> :-DD

And I didn't make up the concept, the Frug did, Jeff Smith often mentioned
which foods go together and which don't... many times he harped on how
seafood, mushrooms, and cheese should never be included in the same dish.
He was very enamoured with the Chinese contribution to cookery, and often
reminded how the Chinese refrained from serving mushrooms with seafood and
didn't include cheese at all... the Chinese prepare a lot of seafood dishes
and use a tremendous quantity and variety of fungi in their dishes but never
with seafood or water fowl... you'll never see the Chinese serve fungi with
duck. I like duck and eat it often, I love 'shrooms... I can see how duck
with mushroom would be TIAD. I really don't care much for mushrooms with
chicken either... mushrooms go best with beef and pork dihes, and of course
go best with vegetable dishes, and go especially well with grains. But
mushrooms don't belong with beans unless they're greenbeans or peas.
Mushrooms don't belong with cooked greens... mushrooms with cooked spinach
is awful but raw mushrooms go well with raw spinach salad, go figure.