Kitche Scissors
Kalmia said...
> On Aug 13, 2:40*pm, Manda Ruby > wrote:
>> When do you use kitchen scissor? Cutting whole chicken? *WHat else?
> I have chicken shears, which are also useful for cutting a slab of
> sliced bacon in half. I think they're Farberware and weren't too
> expensive but have held up well.
Same shears here! I only use them on roasted bird to separate parts. It's a
family heirloom utensil so I mostly keep it around for the memories. That
and it's designed and built so well.
> I also keep about three pair of cheapo scissors handy for cutting
> wrappings off packages, inner sealed bags in cereal and crackers,
> coupons from the Sunday paper, and all those package which read "tear
> here" but ya can't.'
I have a fairly decent pair of scissors to open the air-tight sealed bags
(guacamole, sauerkraut, etc.), like you mention.
Anything else I can attack with a plastic picnic knife.