Gloria P wrote:
> > Pete C. wrote:
> >
> >> sf wrote:
> >>> On Wed, 12 Aug 2009 11:08:09 -0500, "Pete C." >
> >>> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> We know that much of the flavor is in the fat, that's why
> >>>> commercial hamburger mix is 50/50 (yeow!).
> >>> <laugh> It is not! 80-20 is good.
> >> Yes, it is. I saw a program once with a segment in one of the
> >> processing plants which showed the guy forklifting into the grinder
> >> "2,000# of lean and 2,000# of fat" and "yes, it is 50/50" and that
> >> was the guy with the forklift speaking, not a voiceover.
> >
> That's the stuff they pack into "chubs", that plastic bologna shaped
> casing. I wouldn't feed it to a dog, but I see people buying it.
> Ugh.
> gloria p
I wouldn't feed it to a dog and I hate dogs.