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George Leppla George Leppla is offline
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Default Sauce Bolognese Recipe

"Chemiker" > wrote in message
> On Thu, 13 Aug 2009 15:23:00 -0500, Becca > wrote:
>>Be careful down there. In Port Aransas, I saw mosquitos as big as

> Not a joke.
> Mosquitoes are tough there. We had some hunters scouting out the
> tall grass looking for pig sign, while some of us stayed up in a
> stand.
> You could tell where the pigs were, sometimes...., by the way the
> tops of the grass parted, but it took binoculars. We could always tell
> where our friends were, tho. There were grey clouds over their heads
> that could be seen with the naked eye 100 yds off. Skeeters. More than
> 4.
> Our guide, a Parks guy, was carrying a Win. .458 African. My 30-'06
> was considered min. All carried sidearms. His was a .357 Mag, FMJ,
> 158, which was min. I carried a SA .44 Mag, 240 gn Silhouette slugs.
> You DON"T want to meet a pig at close quarters.
> One of our group had hunted pigs nearby and told us he used a
> 30-30 in that hunt. He shot one from a truck bed, right in the
> shoulder. He said all it did was pi$$ piggie off. Someone else killed
> the animal with a proper weapon, and when they examined the
> carcass, they found the 30-30 bullet had penetrated only about
> 1 1/2 inches into the pig, being stopped by the gristle layer
> under its skin. That's why I was using Nosler partition 180's in the
> rifle and silhouette slugs in the pistol.
> OTOH, nothing stopped the skeeters. I donated blood that day.
> Alex
> OB Food: Commercial butchers here can't or won't handle wild
> game, as a rule. We got a chart and a hacksaw and butchered
> my pig, up close and personal. It was worth it. Delicious!

We live in Shreveport, LA... about 10 miles from the East Texas border. My
BIL lives about an hour west in East Texas and has seen groups of wild hogs
near his garden... as many as 15 to 20 at a time. He figures he'll nail one
sometime soon and we'll see how it tastes.

George L