"Pete C." > wrote in message
> Omelet wrote:
>> In article .com>,
>> "Pete C." > wrote:
>> > I commonly grind ~3#. I have the Kitchenaid grinder that I run on my
>> > Hobart mixer. Setup time is about 45 seconds (take attachment out of
>> > the
>> > box and affix to the front of the mixer). Cleanup time is about 3
>> > minutes (disassemble, dump remains in garbage, hand wash, reassemble,
>> > put back in box on shelf). Nothing to it.
>> Ok. <shrugs>
>> IMHO there is nothing wrong with fresh frozen ground meat.
>> Patties go straight from grinding into the freezer.
> The still oxidize in the freezer under typical packaging, and they also
> get "freezer burn".
I've never had packages of freshly ground frozen beef darken/oxidize...
freezer burn is a whole nother issue, that's simply a loss of moisture due
to minor packaging issues, that spot can be trimmed away, it does not affect
the adjacent meat in any way whatsoever. In any case the freezer shelf life
indicated for ground beef is not so long that freezer burn of any magnitude
is likely to occur with just ordinary wrapping. I don't use my freezer as
storage space for investment purposes, I'd rather use a bank to store my
assets where they can appreciate rather than deteriorate... I see no reason
whatsoever to store meat for more than a couple three months, not in the
US... not since WWII have I seen where there was a shortage of meat in US
markets, and there is always meat on sale so there is no reason to stock up
on any perishables, unless one is severely paranoid survivalist... and then
one should really be stocking up on SPAM! LOL. I still remember when folks
didn't have freezers, they had ice-a-box... they shopped every day, butcher
shops sold meat cut directly from whole sides, not cryo (there was no cryo),
it tasted far better because it was far better quality, especially since it
was never frozen.