BLT question
On Thu, 13 Aug 2009 16:35:17 -0500, "Gregory Morrow"
> wrote:
>blake murphy wrote:
>> On Wed, 12 Aug 2009 09:44:33 -0500, Melba's Jammin' wrote:
>>> In article >,
>>> bob in nz > wrote:
>>>> On Tue, 11 Aug 2009 19:15:51 -0700 (PDT), Brian Huntley
>>>>> Mayo or MW, but the bigger question is toasted or not?
>>>> Didn't think of that one. I always toast the bread and slather on
>>>> Best Foods/Hellman's mayo top and bottom. I also add avocado if I
>>>> have a ripe one handy. And a couple of times I've also added a thin
>>>> slice of good swiss cheese to the BLAT. But that's pure piggery ...
>>>> oink. --
>>> Not only pur piggery, but it makes it a BLT&SC sandwich. Now I'm
>>> going to have to slap YOU, Bob. SC has no business on a BLT. It's
>>> wrong. WRONG. Avocado, OTOH, is acceptable.
>> cheese with tuna salad is the one that throws me.
>Now yer comin' around to Sheldon's way of thinking, e.g. cheese with fish is
>TIAD,...there is still hope for you, blake...!!!
Screw sheldon. He's a disgrace to the keyboard. The few posts he
makes that are factual don't make up for the 99% that are bullshit.
His recent insanity about kitchen wiring was ignored when I called him
on it. Not once but twice! I like your food related posts but you
don't look so good when you use shemp as a benchmark.
That being said I like a tuna salad sandwich with american cheese.
But it must be warm. Also a tuna melt on a croissant with swiss is
very good. If that means I've got TIAD according to shemp (the class
retard) so be it. It's steps above some of the other stuff discussed