OT, but it's not stopping anyone else
On Aug 14, 7:26*am, "brooklyn1" > wrote:
> Nonsense. *The municipality still receives the recyclables, when the
> homeless turn it in for cash instead of the contracted trash collectors
> turning it in for cash... if there was no monetary reimbursement neither the
> homeless or the trash collectors would concern themselves with recylables..
> I'd rather the homeless get the cash than some maffia run private
> sanitation.
If the contracted trash collectors received more money from the cash
they received from the recyclables, they would not charge the city as
much for their service of running their trucks. They haul away the low-
income recycling materials as well as the lucrative aluminum and
glass. The big difference in your Sopranos theory, is that the
homeless don't care about styrofoam pellets.