In article .com>,
"Pete C." > wrote:
> Omelet wrote:
> >
> > In article .com>,
> > "Pete C." > wrote:
> >
> > > I commonly grind ~3#. I have the Kitchenaid grinder that I run on my
> > > Hobart mixer. Setup time is about 45 seconds (take attachment out of the
> > > box and affix to the front of the mixer). Cleanup time is about 3
> > > minutes (disassemble, dump remains in garbage, hand wash, reassemble,
> > > put back in box on shelf). Nothing to it.
> >
> > Ok. <shrugs>
> >
> > IMHO there is nothing wrong with fresh frozen ground meat.
> > Patties go straight from grinding into the freezer.
> The still oxidize in the freezer under typical packaging, and they also
> get "freezer burn".
I guess it depends on how long you let it sit in the freezer. Home made
ground beef and sausage generally gets used up in well under 6 months.
Meat is generally good (to me) for about 1 year. Many keep it longer.
I date everything I freeze any more. And have for awhile...
Peace! Om
"Human nature seems to be to control other people until they put their foot down."
--Steve Rothstein