On Thu, 13 Aug 2009 12:26:47 -0500, Pete C. wrote:
> Default User wrote:
>> Pete C. wrote:
>>> sf wrote:
>>> >
>>> > On Wed, 12 Aug 2009 11:08:09 -0500, "Pete C." >
>>> > wrote:
>>> >
>>> > > We know that much of the flavor is in the fat, that's why
>>> > > commercial hamburger mix is 50/50 (yeow!).
>>> >
>>> > <laugh> It is not! 80-20 is good.
>>> Yes, it is. I saw a program once with a segment in one of the
>>> processing plants which showed the guy forklifting into the grinder
>>> "2,000# of lean and 2,000# of fat" and "yes, it is 50/50" and that
>>> was the guy with the forklift speaking, not a voiceover.
>> What do you mean by "commercial"? The local supermarket sells regular
>> ground beef (70/30), lean (80/20), and extra lean (90/10). There is
>> also ground chuck, ground round, and ground sirloin. Nothing is sold as
>> "hamburger" at all.
> Commercial = Fast food restaurant
> Supermarket = Retail
this is horseshit. please give a cite other than some forklift operator.