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Bob Terwilliger[_1_] Bob Terwilliger[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 11,044
Default (2009-08-14) NS-RFC: BLTs

blake wrote:

> i notice 'sacrilege' is outpolling 'doesn't appeal to me' on two of the
> three questions. it's a hotbed of BLT bigotry.

When I just took the poll, "sacrilege" was the #1 pick for *all* the
questions. I don't get all that worked up about it, so I chose "depends on
mood" for the mustard and Miracle Whip questions, and "doesn't appeal to me"
for ketchup.

Perhaps a more interesting way of framing the questions would have been, "If
you were visiting the home of a friend, and that friend served you a BLT
with mustard on it, would you eat it?"

The answers could be:

- No! It's sacrilege!
- No; I'd gag and be unable to eat it.
- I'd eat it, but try to enlighten my friend as to the *right* condiments
for a BLT
- Sure, I'm not picky
- Yes, I like it that way
- Depends on whether the friendship has benefits
