Wowsa!!! Julie&Julia is having an effect!!
On Aug 15, 1:44*pm, sf > wrote:
> On Sat, 15 Aug 2009 10:43:47 -0700 (PDT), Bobo Bonobo®
> > wrote:
> >There will be a tiny downturn in the sales of condensed "cream of"
> >soups
> How will you know it's due to the movie or the recently discussed
> degradation of the soup itself?
It's funny that you used the word, "degradation," because that made me
think of de-GRAY-ation, which is the opposite. The older COM soup
used to be grayer. I remember that from back when I used to eat it.
It got whiter in the "80s. Easy to believe it's gotten whiter still.
Damn, but the COM soup at the restaurant in Eureka Springs was good.
I was not a hot as it should have been when they brought it out, but
taste wise, it was spectacular. Sooo mushroomy.