Melba's Jammin' > wrote in
on Aug Sat 2009
> In article >,
> (Victor Sack) wrote:
>> Melba's Jammin' > wrote:
>> > Good. I'll use what I buy at Brianno's. Dense and coarse.
>> Sometimes the bread is not even torn after soaking and squeezing-out
>> - it will be falling apart in any case.
>> > Okay, I'll add cucumbers to mine. I have those in my garden.
>> > Woo-woo.
>> Basil is often added, too.
> Okay, I have that, too.
>> > > > Michele Anna Jordan, Kitchen Garden magazine
>> > >
>> > > She ought to be flogged publicly in that kitchen garden.
>> >
>> > Now, now, Bubba Wictor. Be nice.
>> Nice? I was more than nice! Actually, capital punishment is too
>> kind for her!
>> Bubba Wictor
> Now, now. A nice BM (either kind "-) will make you feel better.
> By the by, I'm not squeezing my bread cubes. I'm doing Charlotte's
> recipe. Ppfftthhgggbbttt!
If you go around squeezing bread cubes all willy nilly...won't that make the salad less visibly
attractive with all those unappealing shapes of squozen lumps of dampish bread; plus making a
gnarly mess on your hands?
I vote no to the squeezing of bread!
Arise all you bread cubes... all you have to lose is your sogginess!!
Is that your nose, or are you eatting a banana? -Alan