"Phxbrd" > wrote in message
: "NotMe" > wrote in message
: ...
: >
: > "nmguy" > wrote in message
: > ...
: > : Rick, what's your rationale?
: > :
: > : I used to teach migrant farm workers' kids in California. They were
: > : adorable, no different than my own two children. Why should the
: > : children of Mexican parents suffer, simply because their parents
: > : decided to try to make a better living?
: > :
: > I go to Canada, I get no government coverage, I go to England I get no
: > coverage there that's if I go legally. If I enter illegally I get
: > arrested
: > and sent home.
: >
: > I or my kids travel to EU or most anywhere else in the world my US
: > insurance
: > may or may not cover them when out of the country. I go out of the
: > country
: > I buy a rider or go bear.
: >
: > Curious, just what medical care do these farm workers get in their home
: > country?
: >
Thanks. I question the assertion cost are significantly lower due to the
lack of med mal action. I say this as in the US med mal cost are ~ 2% of
cost which is not a significant number in any under writer risk analysis.