"Julie & Julia"
Nancy2 wrote:
>> Shall we assume that tomorrow, after a week of "Chefography" episodes
>> featuring its pantheon of questionably talented cooking celebrities, The
>> Food Network will honor Julia on her birthday?
>> (and could they please do it without mentioning Julie?)
> I believe their "Chefography" series is only about Food Network
> "chefs." I don't think Julia was ever on the Food Network, was she?
> I only saw her on PBS.
Oh, I didn't mean would they run a "Chefography" on her. I meant would
they bother mentioning her or commemorating her birthday in any way at
all. From what I could see, they didn't.
The two PBS stations in my area did, but only because they're still in
the throes of a pledge drive... okay, all right, truth be told, they're
not. The pledge drives ended last weekend, but yesterday they re-ran
their prepared shills for Julia's DVDs and shamelessly pushed their
drive for just one more afternoon. So I guess you could say that even
public television didn't respectfully remember Julia on her birthday,
electing to ride the cash cow instead.