Kajikit said...
> On 16 Aug 2009 06:32:14 GMT, "Default User" >
> wrote:
>>notbob wrote:
>>> On 2009-08-16, Bob Terwilliger > wrote:
>>> > I like either one, but when I recently got the idea to make a
>>> > tamarind-lime pie......
>>> Now that sounds pretty cool. Regular limes?
>>> > I conceived it having stabilized whipped cream on top.
>>> Never had KLP with whipped cream.
>>That's my preferred way. Not a big meringue fan, in spite of it being
>>more traditional.
> Meringue's too sickly sweet for me... not to mention having the
> difficulty of stopping it from weeping sugar and sliding off the pie.
> When mama used to make lemon meringue pie (which is identical to key
> lime pie except for the fruit) I'd scrape the meringue off the top
> and just eat the filling.
My KLP with meringue always crept away from the crust and overnight in the
fridge it decomposed into liquid. Very gross!
Nowadays I just do without.
http://i17.tinypic.com/5z1vubq.jpg :9
I'm no longer a danger to society.