In article >,
"Michael Kuettner" > wrote:
> Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> > Hmmm. Thank you, Michael. I'll see how my cubes are on Monday morning.
> > If it's nice, I'll put them outside to air dry. :-)
> Let the rolls or bread go stale, before you cube it.
Too late. I cubed the bread yesterday.
> That way you have fewer crumbs. And if you've some cubes left, you
> can prepare Semmelknoedeln (o umlaut).
> Michael Kuettner
In my dreams, Michael. If I have cubes left, I'll oven-dry them and
make bread crumbs. :-)
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ - Yes, I Can! blog - check it out
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